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Community Food Outreach

We provide weekly food outreach for over 45 families and vulnerable individuals in the North Paddington area. We provide cooked meals and food parcels. We currently only are able to provide one outreach service a week, therefore we provide fresh fruits and vegetables alongside pantry essentials.


We receive donations from Marks & Spencers, Sainsbury’s, Hummingbird Bakery who donate surplus produce. We receive homemade soup from DJ’s Caribbean Cuisine, for our community outreach. HATS have kindly allocated us use of one of their vehicles for our weekly outreach service.


We are always looking for more partners to help us to widen our reach and offer of support, if you or your organisations would be interested in partnering with us please do get in touch.


If you or someone you know would benefit from our service, please use this link to find out more about our offer - HRSK Food Outreach Referral Form.

Helping Hands Community Leader - Deujean Bernard

Community Back to School Drive

We believe all children and young people deserve to live full and wholesome lives. Therefore, we want to make sure children and young people are ready to go back to school with school uniforms and all other essentials they need. 


Our Back to School Drive, is a chance for families to come together, enjoy a fun family day out and as an added extra go home with their school uniforms, educational resources and many more goodies.


Our last two back to School Drives, had over 1000 young people, therefore we want to make sure we are identifying the families who need to the support most. We work with our local schools, youth organisations, family hubs and children's services, if you would like to find out more please do get in touch.

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